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Form Guide: Disposition of Cases

HLURB Building Kalayaan Avenue corner Mayaman St. Diliman QC 1101 Phils

Appendix C Information Sheet Details

BOC information sheet details for consolidated shipment of balikbayan boxes

544-A PEL Pilot Proficiency Check Report

CAAP check report form for PEL Pilot Proficiency Check

1701-AIF Account Information Form (AIF) for Self-employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts (engaged in trade and business)

A revised BIR form designed in line with the BIR Integrated Tax System (ITS) to be used as attachment to BIR Form No. 1701 and to be accomplished by self-employed individuals, estates and trusts engaged in trade and business, which shall contain the taxpayer's business profile information and other relevant data to be lifted from the Audited Financial Statements. BIR Form 1701 AIF is not, however, required for individual taxpayers who opted for Optional Standard Deduction (OSD).

APEC Form no. 10 Adjudicator Performance Evaluation Card - Rating System (Board)

DAR APEC evaluation form to evaluate performance of provincial adjudicator to be filled up by the board

APEC Form no. 5 Adjudicator Performance Evaluation Card - Rating System (Board)

DAR APEC evaluation form to evaluate performance of regional adjudicator to be filled up by the board

54 Order to Deposit Landowner Compensation

DAR form for order to deposit landowner compensation

59 Advice to DARAB/Adjudicator to Conduct Administrative Proceedings

DAR advice to conduct administrative proceedings

Sample Appendix 6.2

PHCC appendix 6.2 sample attachment for notification form

CON-01181 Contribution Payment Form

SSS form used to define individual SSS Contributions

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